The Most Affordable Mentorship In The World Reveals...

Most People Waste Years Trying to ‘Figure It Out.’ Smart People Just Copy What Already Works.

Tired of chasing shiny objects? This is the last membership you’ll ever need to actually launch profitable online business.

No product creation

No customer handling

No audience & paid ads required


Do you want to launch your profitable online business and achieve your first $10,000 in profit?

Do you want to build it up to a full-time business that pays for your lifestyle and travels?

Then listen closely - because this might be the most important thing you'll read today.

Even if you're feeling lost, unsure of where to begin...

And you’re currently wasting time on “free online advice”,

...and money on digital courses without seeing tangible results, only to end up overwhelmed and stuck…

Or you’re on the edge of giving up, looking for the “one last dance” opportunity online…

​I know exactly how you feel and I'm here to get you out.


Trying business after business.

Strategy after strategy.

Watching YouTube video after YouTube video.

I've tried them all, to no avail.

I was failing HARD and honestly, with tears in my eyes - I was ready to wrap it up…

Fast-forward 4 years, thankfully for me - I made million dollars with my OWN online business and helped earn hundreds of thousands for my students…

And after coaching 2,000+ students worldwide…

Now I know exactly WHAT WORKS and what doesn’t. (Actually, more of what doesn’t which is equally important)

‍I've discovered a BIG DOMINO - one thing that most people who launch a business struggle with — yet it's the key determining factor for success and failure.

Once you push that domino, it creates a powerful chain reaction at the end of which lies incredible wealth.

Now after 4 years…

I'm looking for a highly disciplined group of individuals who I can coach to $10K+ per month by sharing the exact steps I took to build wealth.

Ever wish you were handed the 'Exact' steps to building wealth?


Here’s the reality: Most of what you’ve been told about building an online business is either outdated or flat-out wrong.

You’ve been spinning your wheels, consuming endless courses, trying to crack the code

...but it feels like you’re stuck in place, right?

If that sounds familiar, you’re not alone.

I spent months chasing shiny objects, trying to make drop shipping, affiliate marketing, and apps work for me

Welcome to the new era of business…

The world has changed rapidly. We’re in an economy that’s overloaded with information, business models and “get-rich-quick” schemes.

What worked for entrepreneurs back then just doesn't work for us anymore.

Back then, if you picked a good niche, had a good work ethic and got some solid advice, you could build wealth. That's no longer true.

There's just too much noise out there.
Too much competition.
AI tools changed everything.
Starting a business became too easy, so everyone joined in.

In 2024, if you set out to build wealth, you’re going to have a real hard time.

…You'll struggle to stand out in saturated industries.

…Get overloaded with information you didn’t even ask for.

…Bombarded by business mentors bursting with excitement to guide you, courses that seemingly build millions overnight, and magic amulets to make you sh*t gold.

Naturally, most people end up paralyzed by overthinking, doing a little bit of everything but never seeing real results.

And you know what’s even worse? The feeling of...

• Waking up every day feeling like you’re living someone else’s life.

• Rushing through your morning routine, battling through traffic, only to end up at a job you can’t stand.

• Each day feeling like a weight pulling you further into a life that doesn’t excite

• Deep down, you know you were meant for something more. You feel it in your gut. You know you’re capable of greatness. But despite all the effort, despite following every piece of advice handed to you—nothing has worked.

It’s not your fault. You weren’t given the right tools.

I started where you are right now.

Hi, I’m Dan Korsby. I know exactly how it feels to be where you are right now.

For years, I wasted countless hours and a lot of money chasing the wrong opportunities, only to fail over and over again.

At 16, I started my first business in car detailing. I lost all my money.

...The funniest part? I still have 1,000 flyers for that failed venture sitting at home.

At 17, I became a financial advisor. Going around pitching mortgages to my family (bad idea)

I even tried beekeeping. Didn’t make a penny, got stung 15 times, and my head swelled up like a balloon.

That’s when I made the decision.

It was time to master the ways of business or die trying. And just when I thought I could never do it, just when everything felt hopeless, I burst through and started earning.

It started with $3. Then $100. Then each day, I kept growing more and more until I was earning close to $30,000 per month.

‍And it hit me…

the real reason why I was failing?

it was the same mistake 90% of entrepreneurs make worldwide.

It wasn't bad info.

It wasn't a lack of hard work or an “over-competitive” market.

I had completely missed the #1 essential pillar, BIG DOMINO, of my online business.

I had failed to build the base upon which my business would stand.

Something that EVERY successful business owner knows and does, but for some reason - NO ONE shares that.

The result? Whatever I built, it came crashing right down.

So what is the CORE PILLAR that I (and probably you) overlooked?

First, think about it - Why do some people make millions and stand on the pedestal of success, and others scrape pennies at the bottom?

‍Maybe you believe you aren't succeeding because there's some 'magic pill' you haven't discovered yet. Some hidden wisdom you're yet to find.

The truth is, it isn't a question of WHAT and HOW.
It's a question of WHO.

Who's causing you to fail?

And from past experience I can confidently say, there's no one preventing your success but you yourself.

Without knowing about it - you’re the one standing between a life of fulfilled dreams and goals... And your current life.

But it’s not your fault.

‍They’ve been installing a “failure” program since you were very young.

You probably heard things like

‍“You can’t do this because ___”,
‍“get back down to earth”

and similar hopeless "magic spells".

You've heard them from teachers, media, online gurus, even friends and family...

They keep telling you these things, so you'll never break free and never reach your potential.

But I'm here to get you out.

I’ve reinstalled my life for consistent success and I’ll give you the same program

What you need is to uninstall the “failure” program in your head.

Think about it for a second…Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, or Bill Gates - if their businesses went bankrupt in less than a year

Would they be broke?

Or would they be making millions with some other venture?

Definitely second option. Because they have the right program in their heads. The SUCCESS program.

A program that not only helps you to make the right decision but most importantly, stop doing WRONG ONES.

And that's important because almost everyone makes the right decisions. They just ruin their upwards streak by taking couple of wrong ones.

Many people come in and start online businesses (right decision), but 99% of them follow up by focusing on too many things at once...

changing strategies too often, giving up too early...

letting others demotivate them, and so on. (all bad decisions)

Changing this is the first and by far the most important thing you need to do, otherwise, all your dreams, goals, and imagination of your best life -

Will never become reality.

​That's why I created...

the wepreneurs meMBERship program

My goal is simple…

Install Your “Success” Program…
And then give You 3 Proven Roadmaps to hit your first $10,000 in Record Time.

‍First, you’ll need to forget everything what’s holding you back and ascend into a person that everything touches turn into GOLD.

This program is unlike any other course, coaching, or business strategy out there that only provides you with ‘information’ and ‘manifestation’…

In fact, this membership is so powerful and actionable that it will help you to make the right business choices for years to come.‍

It’s NOT JUST About Making Money...‍

‍It’s about transforming your life...

Just like it did for me and for hundreds of my students.

Here's just a mere fraction of the golden nuggets you'll discover inside…

‍✔️️ 5 Success Values that Will Help You rise up from the Bottom (which every successful person in the World follows, but never talks about it) (Module 1)

✔️ 6-Figure Mindset Roadmap to build unbreakable discipline and desire, that will become your rocket fuel to success. (Module 2)

✔️ How To Become the most productive you ever been without even trying, by building EASY, but extremely effective habits (Module 2)

‍✔️ 3-Steps to unf*ck your life, so that you can finally live to your full-potential (Without this you’re almost guaranteed to FAIL) (Module 3)

✔️ 5-Minute Exercise on how to spot the most important things that hold you down in life, so that you can win back 1-3 hours of your time every day (Module 3)

✔️ The secret “Anti-Routine” you can start today to achieve success (The most counter-intuitive advice you’ll ever hear, but save your life)

✔️ “Energy Over The Roof” on how to turn from a lethargic, low-energy into a dynamic, high-energy person. (You wake up energized and won’t experience energy dips during the day) (Module 3)

Those are just 7 lessons out of 31 you’ll receive in the Wepreneurs Ascension journey…

At this part, you’ll start your ascension process to high-achiever with a clear path, cutting off all the noise, self-doubt…

Ready to get what you want in life…

Freedom, Relationships, Happiness, Status, Money.

This will become your foundation to launch your online business and work your way up to $10,000 in record time.

Without all the “Ifs, buts, and maybes”.

Then, I’ll give you the TOP 3 faceless Online Businesses to get started on your journey to $10,000.

You're ready

After the Wepreneurs Ascension, you’ll finally acquire an unbreakable mindset and discipline, while feel more energetic than ever before…

You‘re ready.

As I told you before, at this point, it doesn’t matter what business model you pick - you’ll make it work…

Because every business model, every technique out there is working and who’s trying to convince you otherwise is lying to you.

But there’s a catch…

A catch you may have thought about before…


There are hundreds of ways to make $10,000. Build online business generating full-time income.

But only a few will get you there - FAST.

That's why when you start your Wepreneurs Launch Journey I'll give you 3 of the best faceless most beginner friendly business models to make your first $10,000 online..

Which require no further investment, no prior business experience, and any college degree or skills. Each one of these models is cherry-picked by me - based on real results...

which are easy to get up and running (compared to other businesses such as dropshipping, SMMA, or Amazon)

And FAST to get up to $10,000 and beyond.


Because all of them are lucrative…
And not-oversaturated…

I’ll reveal them only inside of Wepreneurs Community.

But I’ll tell you this…

None of these business models require your own product, social media following or email list, or $2,000+ investments.

By the end of the Wepreneurs Launch, you’ll have your online business launched and made your first sales online…

​But this is just the beginning…

get a Step-by-step blueprint to your first $10,000 in record time.

Now it’s time to make money out of it…

Here, you need to realize…

Once you’ve installed the “success program”

And you have the right business model

Making your first $10,000 is just a matter of time.

However, it could very easily take you 3 years instead of 3 weeks (like it did for me)

One thing you can be sure of.

You shouldn't go about figuring everything out yourself.

You can’t be figuring out everything yourself.

If you do, even with a “success program”, you won’t be able to make it work just by yourself, since you've never done it before.

It’s essential to have proven roadmap and someone who’ll show you the way.

…And tell you EXACTLY what works and what doesn’t.

Otherwise, you will still succeed, but you’ll see your first $10,000 only after spending years in the trenches.

We, Wepreneurs, are using “shortcuts” to do it FASTER.

[A] Step-By-Step Roadmap
[B] Up-To-Date Information…to Execute right actions.

And two more, which if you’ll have, you’re GUARANTEED to succeed.

[C] Coach Guidance
[D] Supportive Community

If you’ll combine all 4 of these elements…

Making your first $10,000 will become extremely easy.
And that’s why in Fusion, I'll guide you by hand…

Until you make your first $10,000.

My goal here is to NOT just make you a person who believes in himself.

But a person that has undeniable stack of proof that he actually did it.

At this point, the only thing that can go wrong…

…is losing one of the 4 elements.

Your progress will slow down, your business takes a wrong turn and you go from booming to dying.

That’s why you need continuous guidance.

I won’t sugarcoat it for you...
You’ll face constant roadblocks you’ll need to solve.

And most probably, it will be first time you’re experiencing them and won’t know how to handle them.

When you encounter them it’s essential to have the right guidance.

And a supportive community.
Someone who will help you along the way…
Someone who has handled the same roadblocks before…

That’s why Wepreneurs is a continuous monthly subscription.

So we make sure you’ll have enough guidance all the way to reaching your first BIG goal……

Making your first $10,000 online.

And not just that.

You’ll have support along the way for as long as you need. This is not a course that you’ll watch and forget about it.

But a platform, community, your business hub…..where you go every time you face a roadblock, need more “magic pills” or want to connect with like-minded people.

In the Wepreneurs Community, you’ll get all 4 elements.

Here’s what makes this Wepreneurs program truly stand out...

you're not alone.

This membership program is not just another course;

it’s a dynamic, ongoing and constantly updated journey with many students just like you…

Where you won’t get just a “one-size-fits all” program, but continuous guidance on “WHAT” “WHEN” and “HOW”

specifically tailor-made for YOU.

ongoing support

Unlike one-and-done programs, this membership offers continuous support, timely updates.

constant updates

Every month, I’ll introduce new content and lesser-known strategies to keep you ahead of the curve.​

private community

We'll be a community of 100 people all focused on achieving our goals.

coaching calls

Participate in monthly group coaching calls, where we'll keep each other accountable​

proven strategies

Gain access to my detailed breakdowns of strategies from various social media platforms that you can implement directly into your business.​

Embark on a 3-step transformative journey​

Battle-tested step-by-step process to level up from ZERO and become the TOP 10% earner.

Still not convinced?

Here's exactly what's inside of
​Wepreneurs MeMBErship Program



Choose from 3 wealth building roadmaps


Hrs of material

Resources and guides on everything business related


Community groups

There's help on whatever you may need.

why am i so convinced this mentorship is the best?

because of the sheer value of things I've put in it...

1. Wepreneurs Mentorship

3 transformative journeys: Ascension, Launch, and Fusion. Covering everything I learned after investing $80,000 into various mentorships, inner circles, and masterminds, PLUS mentoring over 2,000+ folks online.

Inside contains access to guides, battle-tested advice, step-by-step tutorials and everything essential to launch successful online business!

Priced at: $1500

2. 3 Business Roadmaps

Get access to step-by-step implementation roadmaps on 3 beginner-friendly and lucrative online business models, in fast growing industry to make your first $10,000 online.

Each one of these roadmaps has ironclad proof of my clients or myself earning 6-figures online following them.

Priced at: $1500

3. Exclusive Community

Inside our exclusive mastermind community you'll meet students who are starting alongside of you which you can partner up with to grow together.

Also folks who started ahead of you on their journey, ready to help you and show you the way. Team of mentors ready to help you anytime!

All sharing their experiences, A-HA! moments, and helping each other with questions and challenges.

Priced at: $500

4. Constant Program Updates

Get access to step-by-step implementation roadmaps on 3 beginner-friendly and lucrative online business models, in fast growing industry to make your first $10,000 online.

Each one of these roadmaps has ironclad proof of my clients or myself earning 6-figures online following them.

Price $497/Month

5. Monthly Call with Dan

Get direct access to the coaching call experience with me in Wepreneurs community. These sessions allow you to ask specific questions, tackle roadblocks, and get personal advice tailored to your unique situation.

This is the greatest hand-on access you may receive in the space.

Price $197/Month

6. 1:1 Mentor Access

The Wepreneurs community is designed in a way so you have always mentor just a “message away” to get instant help and one-to-one support. With 6 communication channels and 5 coaches, you’ll never end up overwhelmed or stuck on a roadblock.

Priced at $497/Month

7. Software

Access VIRTULAB.IO, your complete business-building toolkit. This software suite provides everything from website creation to automated sales funnels, helping you streamline your entrepreneurial efforts without needing any technical expertise.​


exclusive bonus (limited)

Running a business gets even easier when you have this…

Here's what you need to understand.

Launching a business is NOT always easy.

An always changing online environment can throw a “stick in a wheel” even for the experienced business owner.

I understand this, and that's why I'm offering all-in-one business software,, designed just for aspiring entrepreneurs like you…

where we have built websites, automations and various templates for you to use with just a click of a button.

And in, you’ll have everything. You’ll never have to buy another software.

When you join the WePreneurs Membership Program, you’re not just signing up for the program, you're also gaining free access to, which alone starts at $47/month!

Build websites

Easily build high-converting websites within virtulab.

Run marketing

Streamline marketing efforts by automating processes


See all your sales and marketing in one place


Cancel business tools because virtulab does it all.

Easy to use

Virtulab doesn't require any past knowledge to use

and MUCH more..

Forms, templates, calendars, leads…

Adding it all together, the total value exceeds $5,000.

Now, I could charge $5,000 for this program...But I won't do that.

Here’s the thing…The wepreneurs membership is a NEW program I built based on my previous $5,000 mentorship program.

And since it’s a new program, I need new success stories to show the profound impact it’s going to have on people’s life…

The truth is…I’m already making several tens of thousands of dollars each month with the same strategies I’ll teach you.

My true motivation behind this program is to help aspiring entrepreneurs like you make it.

Stop taking and start giving.

That’s why the Wepreneurs membership is now opened for a highly discounted “BETA LAUNCH PRICE” with limited 100 spots…

beta launch discount

Lock-in access at the discounted price before official launch

Wepreneurs Membership

Get access to my membership and all the bonuses for a single price.

Wepreneurs Membership  (1000$ value)

Monthy call with Dan  (1000$ value)

1:1 Mentor Access  (497$ value)

Constant Updates  (497$ value)

3 Business Roadmaps  (1500$ value)

Exclusive Community  (500$ value) software  (97$/Month)


Only $47/mo

Secure your spot to join the first 100 members.

Wepreneurs Membership - PRO Edition

Get access to my membership and all the bonuses for a single price.

Everything inside standard +

Onboarding call with Dan

Complete DFY Funnel

Tailor-made Strategy From Dan 


Only $497/year

Secure your spot to join the first 100 members.


Short answer: Yes

Long answer...

It doesn’t matter if you are in a state of confusion and have no idea what business model is right for you…

Or you are doing something that no longer brings you happiness…

Or you are thinking about pivoting to something new that is fulfilling and profitable…

This membership program will help you go from confusion to clarity and create a path to the business you love in just a few weeks.

The best part…

It doesn’t matter what stage you’re at in your entrepreneurial journey!

It's customized for everyone.

I want you to know, that it’s NOT all your fault.

you're not alone.

I’ve been where you are right now.

Most of the things we’ve been taught is flat-wrong or not true.

Most of the things we have programmed in our subconscious is not TRUE.

People who influenced us the most, installed infectious “malware” within us...

You couldn't have prevented that.

But YOU are the one who can do something about it now.

Break the chain of programs that are following you as ghosts everywhere you move and trying to…

Prevent you from achieving your dream life and finally doing what you want to do.

When all you really needed was someone to genuinely help you out.


Ask yourself...

Are you ready to stop sabotaging your own success?

…are you ready to stop spinning your wheels and start building something real?

Stop chasing the false dreams promised by gurus?

It's up to you. You can keep doing what you've been doing. Hoping.

Manifesting…that things get better…

or you can join a proven program designed to bring you the results you've been chasing.

The ball's in your corner.

Is this going to be just another day…


Day one?

Secure your spot to join the first 100 members.


Answers to common questions


What is the WePreneurs Membership Program?


The WePreneurs Membership Program is a comprehensive monthly subscription designed to guide aspiring and established entrepreneurs on their journey to build, grow, and transform their businesses. It provides a step-by-step roadmap, actionable strategies, on-going support, and access to a private community, ensuring that you achieve clarity and success in your business.

Who can join the WePreneurs Membership Program?


The program is suitable for entrepreneurs at all stages, whether you're just starting out, trying to grow your business, or looking to pivot to something more fulfilling. If you're feeling confused, overwhelmed, or stuck in your business journey, this program is designed to help you find clarity and success.

What are the teaching methods used in the WePreneurs Membership Program?


The program includes a mix of self-paced learning through detailed modules, ongoing support with group coaching calls, and interactive learning within a private community. You’ll also receive consistent updates, new content, and step-by-step guides to implement immediately.

Do I need to pay every month to stay in the program?


Yes, the WePreneurs Membership Program operates on a monthly subscription model. Your membership fee grants you ongoing access to all program materials, updates, and support.

What if I get stuck on a particular module of the program?


If you find yourself stuck on any part of the program, you can reach out during the monthly group coaching calls for personalized guidance. You’ll also have access to the private community where you can get support and advice from like-minded entrepreneurs.

What makes the WePreneurs Membership Program different from other business programs?


Unlike other programs that only provide information, the WePreneurs Membership Program offers a complete blueprint that includes proven strategies, ongoing support, practical tools, and a community to help you take consistent, actionable steps towards growing a business you love. It also includes access to, a business-building platform that simplifies the process.

Is the WePreneurs Membership Program suitable for someone who has no business experience?


Absolutely! The program is designed to help you whether you're just starting out and trying to figure out the right business model, or you're more experienced but need clarity and direction. The step-by-step approach ensures that you can build a business from the ground up, even with no prior experience.

Can I do this with a day job?


Yes! This membership program is based on working “smarter not harder” and has worked successfully for people with jobs and families.

What If I Have More Questions?


We're happy to answer your questions! Please email your questions to us at and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!

Can I cancel my subscription at any time?


Yes, you have the flexibility to cancel your subscription at any time. However, by staying subscribed, you'll continue to benefit from the ongoing support, updates, and resources that are essential to your business growth.

© 2024 WE Preneurs - All rights reserved